
The duck, being at home on land, water or in the air, symbolizes the balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual worlds that can only come when we freely express ourselves. To the Celts the duck was a powerful totem and a trusted ally on visionary journeys.


Ducks, along with geese share the same symbolism of transition due to their migratory nature. Ducks are also a Celtic animal symbol of honesty, simplicity and resourcefulness. 


Ducks also represent sensitivity, as they tend to be very sensitive to their surroundings. Also viewed as graceful and agile - particularly in the water, ducks are respected for their beauty and adaptation to nature. 

Ducks are the largest and most diverse group of waterfowl. Frequently males and females are colored differently, the males have brighter plumes, and have different vocal sounds. They prefer being in places where they are comfortable and will return to those places. They have a strong sense of community and are social.

Duck will remind us we sometimes need to return to the parts of ourselves that need to feel safe and comfortable. It also teaches us to be graceful when handling our emotions. Duck teaches us to drink sustenance from the waters of life. 

Female and Male Behavior

Female Duck is a very protective mother, attending to her brood and teaching the young to swim and search for food. We can invoke female Duck for nurturing, mothering energy. 


Once a year male Duck loses his bright plumage and is unable to fly. At this time he silently hides in the reeds and plants that grow near the water until he emerges able to fly once again. Male Duck is invoked for the medicine wisdom to go within, withdraw and be silent when we go through difficult transitions and stressful changes.