Red Carbuncle

CarbuncleThe carbuncle is a beautiful gem of a rich red color found in the East Indies. When held up to the sun, it loses its deep tinge and becomes the color of a burning coal. The word occurs in four places in most English translations of the Bible. Each use originates from the Vulgate's Latin translation of the Septuagint's Greek term "Anthrax" - meaning "coal", in reference to the color of burning coal; in this sense, a carbuncle is usually taken to mean a gem, particularly a deep-red garnet, unfaceted and convex.

The name carbubcle comes from a time when gemstones were named by their color.  So any red stone, a garnet, ruby, red sapphire gemstone could be referred to as a carbuncle.

Protects against wounds, the plague, infections, and all diseases of the throat and stomach. *Raises the spirits. *Dispels evil thoughts. *Reconciles friends who have quarreled. *Attracts success in business. *Grows dim where death and danger are near.


The price of wisdom is above rubies, says Job in the Bible, implying that rubies were highly prized in his time. Indeed, the respect and appreciation for rubies has always transcended all geographical boundaries and social class.

The gold coronation ring of the English kings contains a large, tablet-cut ruby on which the figure of St. George's cross is engraved. Around the ruby are set 26 diamonds. Rubies are generously represented in crowns and scepters in the royal jewels of many nations.

RubyRuby has acquired special attributes from its admirers over the centuries. It has been regarded as a symbol of freedom, charity, dignity and divine power. The Burmese believed that gemstones ripened like fruit. The redder the color, the riper the ruby. A flawed ruby was considered over mature.

Large, gem quality rubies have always been very rare. The huge gems described in medieval romances and oriental literature were most likely exaggerated by the imaginations of ruby admirers and creative authors or were actually garnets or spinels.
The ruby is a stone of nobility. The energy of the ruby is intense and vivid. This stone encourages one to follow bliss. It also acts as a "plug" for holes in the energy field. Wonderful stone for the Root chakra as it stimulates our basic instinct of/for survival. It strengthens both the physical and emotional heart.

Ruby brings love, confidence, loyalty, and courage. It instills stamina, vitality and strength. A good stone for removing blocked energies in the reproductive system. It re-energizes one after exhaustion. Also good for balancing the blood's sugar. It also helps to reduce negative thought patterns.

Ruby allows you to love Self and Spirit. A good stone of protection. Depending upon which type of gold you have the ring set in, (yellows or silvers) it would bring with it these healing properties as well. The yellows carry the energy of the Sun or a masculine energy, while the silvers carry the energy of the Moon or a feminine energy.

Red Garnet

GarnetGarnets have been widely known for thousands of years, and it has long been known as the warriors stone, as soldiers from the world over wore or carried this gem as a talisman against death and injury.  But it was also said to bring victory, peace and tranquility, as well as healing injuries by stopping the flow of blood.

When given as a gift, the garnet is said to grant loyalty and affection. If wearing a garnet though, beware if the stone loses its luster, this is a sign of approaching danger or disaster. A stolen garnet is said to bring bad luck to the thief until it is returned to the rightful owner.